The start of any landscape makeover.
A landscape concept plan as the name suggests, brings together the general concept of your garden renovation or makeover. It shows what is going where and what it will look like. As you need house plans to build a house, likewise when building a landscape. The concept plan can be developed to varying levels of detail depending on the client's brief and individual site requirements.
A planting plan compliments the concept plan and shows what plants are being used and where they are to be positioned in the landscape. It also allows you to plan the landscape taking into consideration plant growth and finished size. Planting plans can also be a standalone item, for those people who do not require any construction in their project but require advice on plant selection and location in the existing environment.
Do not need a plan or extended detail, but just want a few ideas from another perspective, then Outside View can help with a design advice consultation. This is often a cost-effective starting point for someone considering the potential of their site or project, without any further commitment. The client then has the option to pursue various other more detailed design packages if they see fit.